Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #771


Here’s me hanging on to summer for Tuesday Morning Sketches #771.  I keep thinking that I should make a Christmas card at least once a month but just haven’t quite conjured up sufficient desire yet. Especially when school has started again so everything starts focusing on fall, but I just love summer and summer colors way to much to give them up early.

So what’s your favorite season? So far as enjoying seasons I really love them all but as for colors I love Spring/Summer the most.

So now it’s time for you to have fun with  Tuesday Morning Sketches #771!! Can’t wait to see your take!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #770


Hello and Happy Tuesday once again!

It’s time already for Tuesday Morning Sketches #770.  I struggle just a bit with square cards - not sure why.  I decided to go with a 4x4 card because I have a pack of that size with envelopes that I really should put to use.  This sweet butterfly paper is another acquisition of my last Joann escapade - I’ll be working with that for a little while!

Thank you so much for stopping by - excited to see what YOU make when you join us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #769

Hi!  Here I am late again.  I have had a super fun and crafty week though just no time to think about anything except enjoying my daughter’s visits.  So my son and his family were together with us for almost all the time.  That was 10 of us hanging out enjoying each other so much!  They all love painting and crafting so that is what we did most the time with some games and playing with the puppies (our 1 year old BIG boxers!) 

I had my card made well in advance but didn’t get my post ready.  Here is is … my creation for Tuesday Morning Sketches #769.

I kinda feel like I need to go back and get more of these pretty little elephants.  This is the 2nd or 3rd time I’ve purchased and used them.  I have a colleague at work who loves elephants so this will be for her.

Super simple but super cute too I think even if I do say so myself :)

I hope you have a chance to play along with us at Tuesday Morning Sketches this week!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tuesday Morning Sketches #768

Happy happy Tuesday!!  It’s time for Tuesday Morning Sketches #768.

I needed to stop in at Joann for a new self healing cutting mat and a few things jumped in my cart again.  This sticker set was just so cute and irresistible that I couldn’t wait to use it!  

I picked out a few papers; two of a couple of them so I could make matching envelopes and use as much of the sheet as I wanted. 

I know summer is so busy - life in general right?  It’s hard to treat yourself to some crafty fun time but for me it is quite necessary even just a little bit like this simple card can go a long way to satisfy our creative craving.

So - I truly hope you get some creative time this week and that you’re able to join us at Tuesday Morning Sketches for this simple sketch #768!!