Well, seems I blinked once maybe twice and another week is GONE! Enjoyed another annointed wonderful message from God's word this morning. If you want it hear it check out http://harvestprescott.com/.
We scrappers take pics of some pretty odd things at times. This is a photo of a time that I actually cut up veggies and made homemade soup, no frozen shortcuts...that's not something that happens often in our house with work and such. Why post the picture?? This week I've been especially grateful for the habit of praying before eating. Something I usually take for granted, but lately things have been more crazy everywhere. I'm sure most will agree! Taking a few seconds to remember the Lord several times a day helps get me re-centered and focused on Him; it's a much needed peace-pause & a pray without ceasing reminder.
Truthfully, I don't know if giving thanks before a meal originated when Jesus fed the 5,000 or earlier but whenever it was I'm glad it did!